AR Tutorial

NJIT Coursework
Symposium on Education, Workshop

  1. Downloading Unity 3D: (
  2. Set up the developer account with Vuforia (
    1. In License Manager Tab press Get Development Key to get a unique key for your project/application. You will need to use this key within Unity3D.
    2. In Target Manager Tab create a new database for image targets by clicking Add Database.
  3. When installing Unity3D make sure to include Vuforia package. Vuforia is now integrated with Unity3D software.
  4. Sample files package is available via Unity Store, need to installed through Unity3D interface
  5. After installation you need to enable AR feature in the Unity:
    1. Go to the Build Settings in File > Build Settings … and choose Player Settings This will open Inspector on the right interface panel
    2. Go to XR Settings on the bottom and check Vuforia Augmented Reality
    3. Go to Vuforia Configuration in Window > Vuforia Configuration and add the license key from website
    4. Vuforia Configuration allows also to load datasets of Image Targets used in the project
    5. To use Image Targets make sure to load them by checking boxes in the Datasets section of the Inspector.
    6. The number of allowed simultaneous simulations (for Image Targets) is defined in the Vuforia section of the Inspector.
  6. Additional instruction can be found on the websites:
    integration of Vuforia with Unity3D
  7. Download image target database and image targets for demonstrations
  8. Download sample Unity3D project utilizing packages listed above.

Visual Guides

Unity3D installation and setup: check off box with Android Build Support

Unity3D installation and setup: check off box with Vuforial Augmented Reality Support

Fine-tuning Image Targets with Vuforia

Final Image Targets

Integrating Vufora database with Unity3D